Google Product Forums

How to install Google Photos. 1. Go to the app store and download Google Photos. Once that’s finished, go ahead and open it. Google. 2. You’ll need to allow Google Photos to access all your How to Uninstall Google Photos Backup on Windows PC? When you don't want to backup photos and videos to Google Photos, you can uninstall it on Windows PC. If you are looking for a step by step process to uninstall Google Photos Backup on Windows PC, read on. Following are the steps to Uninstall Google Photos Backup on Windows PC: Click the "Start" Button on your Windows PC. Click "Control Panel". How to delete an auto backup of photos from my gallery in Great question and its something that has bothered me in the past too! And I am sure many others. Here are quick step-by-step instructions to follow: * Go to to your Phone Settings * Then, Accounts and Sync Settings * Then Manage Accounts * * You

How can I delete Auto backup photos in Google+ - Android

How to delete mobile device copy but keep backup - Photos

Jan 22, 2019

What Happens When You Uninstall Google Photos App Jan 06, 2020