The Linksys WRT160N/WRT310N series is the successor to the WRT54G series of routers from Linksys. The main difference is the draft 802.11n wireless interface, providing a maximum speed of 270 Mbit/s over the wireless network when used with other 802.11n devices.
Currently running DD-WRT v3.0-r40559 big (08/06/19) Hey folks, I recently set up a new network at home. I have a single desktop connected to my router via ethernet- and a printer at the other end of the house connected via ethernet over power (powerline). From my desktop, I can connect to the printer, print, do everything just fine. 05-04-2014 07:18 PM - last edited on 01-27-2015 02:36 PM by linksys-communi ty-intl I managed to brick my e2500 with bad firmware. I'm trying to follow the instructions for recovering with tftp. When resetting to default on my Linksys E1500 through web interface, reset button or SSH 'erase nvram' command the only wireless channel option is Auto and the only wireless mode option is Mixed. Currently I am on dd-wrt.v24-32170_NEWD-2_K3.x_mega-nv64k.bin but I have also tried the build with "E1500" in its name and I have tried builds from as Jan 10, 2013 · DD-WRT K2.6 vs. K3.x Builds on the Linksys E4200. The decision as to whether to run a K2.6 build or a K3.x build on your router is up to you. DD-WRT K3.x builds are stable enough to run, but they yield much slower WiFi and wired network speeds on the E4200, so I still recommend you run the K2.6 builds (see my head-to-head testing on the E4200).
Jul 21, 2014 · How to install DD-WRT Firmware on a Linksys E1200 Router? Linksys E1200 on DD-WRT Admin Screen. Two weeks ago, I took the plunge and installed a custom firmware on my router. Well, it was successful and now my Linksys E1200 runs on DD-WRT. I was torn whether I should install dd-wrt on my Linksys E1200 router or not. My router has been stable so
Jan 10, 2013 · DD-WRT K2.6 vs. K3.x Builds on the Linksys E4200. The decision as to whether to run a K2.6 build or a K3.x build on your router is up to you. DD-WRT K3.x builds are stable enough to run, but they yield much slower WiFi and wired network speeds on the E4200, so I still recommend you run the K2.6 builds (see my head-to-head testing on the E4200).
hi, i have problem of getting the LAN ports working after flashing the e1500 ddwrt FW dd-wrt.v24-18946_NEWD-2_K2.6_mini-e1500.bin, the wireless works. I tried both AP mode and Repeater bridge mode, and non of the LAN ports work I tried flash back to linksys FW and flash the DDWRT again and it still doesnt work Can anyone help please?
I ordered the factory refurbished E1500 that was refurbished by Cisco. I tried the stock firmware, flashed the latest and greatest firmware. Then I put DD-WRT firmware onto it. After that didn't perform I even tried a beta version of DD-WRT. I saw the other people comment about the QOS settings but there was something wrong with mine.