Remove the def1 option. Keep in mind that the def1 option exists because some systems are buggy and will update the default gateway. For example, in the past some Linux systems would over-write the VPN provided default gateway, if the LAN interface was set to DHCP, and the renew time had occurred.

Add the vlan to the interface. In this example VLAN ID 11 at Interface eth0. root@debdev ~# vconfig add eth0 11 Added VLAN with VID == 11 to IF -:eth0:- Configure IP Address. root@debdev ~# ifconfig eth0.11 netmask up And add a (default) route if necessary. root@debdev ~# route add default gw How to Change Your IP Address From the Command Line in Linux Jan 05, 2018 Change an IP address, Gateway and DNS via CMD - WinCert Oct 11, 2009 8.5. Static Routes and the Default Gateway

add route x.x.x.x (where x is the new default gateway address you want to add) rm route y.y.y.y (where y is the old default gateway address you want to remove) savec (Save the configuration on the appliance) reboot (reboot the appliance, and then when it boots up, the new Default Gateway should take effect)

Aug 20, 2018

So, just add a redirect-gateway local option in client config file, to override the pushed option. This will cause openvpn to just add a new default route, and not a specific route for the server. So the current route being used to connect to ther server will continue to be used.